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Thanksgiving Foods that Aren't Safe for Your Dog (1)

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Thanksgiving is nearly here, meaning that it’s almost time for our annual excuse to sit around a table with family and consume as much food as we can in the name of tradition. Of course, you and your various table mates aren’t the only people looking forward to major consumption. There will be plenty of dogs eagerly waiting beside Grandma Agnes or whoever regularly drops delicious scraps from the table.

While it can be hard to say no to an adorable furry face, we must remember that human food isn’t always good for dogs. Here’s a quick guide of what foods are fine for a quick treat and which ones should never leave the table.

Image of a dog ready for turkey. Learn about bad Thanksgiving foods for dogs and buy your dog a new dog collar today.

The Good


We’ve got good word on the bird; turkey is fine for dogs. A little piece here and there won’t be a problem for a quick tableside treat. Just make sure that you remove any bones and skin. Bone shards can provide a serious chocking threat or splinter and cause bleeding. Skin is just fatty and can mess with your dog’s svelte figure. Your pooch has to keep up appearances, you know.

Green beans

Green beans get the green light for a dog treat. These veggies are nice, low-calorie options for your pet, as long as they aren’t covered with fried onions. Unlike some kids, your dog probably won’t complain about having to finish their green beans.

Mashed potatoes

Your dog will be pleased to know that he or she can have some regular, undressed spuds. However, some mashed potato recipes can go a bit on the heavy, yet delicious, side and include things like butter, cream cheese, sour cream, and other rich foods. The richer your mashed potatoes get, the less likely it is that you should share some with your dog.

The Bad

Stuffing and anything else with alliums

A little bread isn’t bad, but stuffing is, well, stuffed with other dangerous ingredients called alliums. Alliums are a genus of plant, which includes things like onion, garlic, shallots, and other delicious things. The problem is that they’re toxic for dogs. If a dish has alliums in it, keep it on the table.


Remember how we said you shouldn’t share things that are too rich with your dog. Yeah, that’s the case for gravy. Keep the gravy to yourself. Something tells us your dog will be fine without it.

Artificial foods that contain xylitol

Some people prefer to use artificial sweeteners. Your dogs don’t. Sweeteners like xylitol are poisonous to your pup, so keep any dishes that contain sweeteners or other like ingredients away from the edge of the table.

The Chubby

As hard as your one questionable relative may try, nothing can ruin a good Thanksgiving dinner quite like a medical emergency. Also, remember that all good things should come in moderation. While people joke about loosening their belt after dinner, your dog shouldn’t need to adjust their dog collar after a few too many treats. However, if your dog does need a new collar during the holidays, make sure to get them a quality dog collar made out of durable coated webbing. Think of it as a treat they won’t be able to eat.

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