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Bio Dog Blog

Updates and news about Biothane animal products for dogs and horses

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America and Her Equine Friends

America would not be possible without the help of her equine friends. During the Revolutionary war many of America’s Founding Fathers were spared from British forces thanks to hard-riding, hero horses.… Read Article

Gee Hawin' - Independence Day 2016

So I was relaxing on the back patio one evening, sipping on my sarsaparilla and fretting about the grass seed that was trying to germinate, and wondering if I was watering it enough. Being caught up in the moment of these profound thoughts I suddenly saw a flash; and as quick as the flash vanished, my ears were bombarded with a loud boom emanating from the neighbor’s yard filled with mischievous kids scampering, full of joyful glee, and eyes in wide wonder on how much fun they were going to have blowing up something other than their neighbors ear drums.… Read Article
